How To Get Your Friends To Workout With You

It’s no fun if your friends can’t have any. If you haven’t already, now is the time to motivate your buddies to hit the gym with you. After all, the best thing you can do for a friend is to help them get the road to better health. Also, studies have shown that people are more likely to stick to their workout regimen if they work out with a friend. So you’re actually killing two birds with one stone; not only are you helping them but they are helping you as well. If you’re having some trouble getting your friends to commit to working out with you here are some ways you can motivate them.
Make it a competition
It’s hard to resist the idea of winning of cool prize just for doing something that we all should be doing anyway. Yes, one of the best ways to motivate the gang is to make it a competition. For instance, everyone can put in a bit of cash and whoever loses the most weight at the end of the month wins the entire amount. Or you can always bribe them with a gift certificate to their favorite store or restaurant.
A good way to relax
After a long day of hard work, exercising can help the group blow off some much-needed steam. If one of your friends has had a bad, why not consider taking them to the gym to release some tension instead of to a bar? They’ll feel much better after an intense workout session.
Make It Fun
Working out and getting in shape doesn’t always have to take place in a gym. Making exercising fun by setting up a group dance class or organizing a morning walk in the park. You should try and do activities that you know your friends especially enjoy. That when it’s time to work out they are excited. There are so many different ways you can challenge your body and get fit.
Share the changes you’ve experienced
How has working out benefited you? Perhaps you’ve dropped twenty pounds. Or maybe you’re now fit enough to run a marathon. Yes, the best way to persuade your friends to adopt a healthier lifestyle is by sharing with them the changes you’ve made and how they’ll be able to accomplish so much more when they are in a healthier state.
If nothing works you always resort to blackmail.